Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Will you accept Video resumes ?


There has been increased usage of videos - a short video of 2-3 minutes snap shot of the candidate.

As a recruiter will you accept or encourage video resumes for the purpose of hiring ?

Can you utilize this feature for all the positions or is it good for few ??

Raghav's Answer

Video resumes are a good way to see the candidate and view his verbal communication and his confidence. This can be used by the companies recruiters to screen some profiles which can then be called for personal interviews.

As a recruiter we do accept video resumes

No this cannot be used for all the positions

To make it more user friendly we should have a standard template of questions and ask the candidates to respond / giving information.

There should not be any bottlenecks with respect to the bandwidth which could be an issue for the job seekers

Founder HRinIndia

For more responses to this question on Linkedin click here